Lucas family blog

Friday, October 13, 2006

6 months!!

At six months, Joseph is sitting up very well on his own. He loves to reach out for toys (or Mama's hair) and is quite a bundle of energy! When he's on the floor he rolls around to get to a toy and likes to pick everything up, especially the remote control.
Joseph loves when Aunt Patty comes over to bring him toys. This one says "the cat is here!" with a British accent. Thanks Aunt Patty!

Okay Uncle Tim and Joseph, on three make a funny face. One...two...

...three! That's a good one!

Yes, I'm as sweet as I look.

I can share my toys. Do you want to play with Jumpin' Jack?

Now that I sit up it's easier to play with stuff. A little dinner music?

Would you like to hear my first composition?


  • I look so cute! but where is my Mommy in the pictures!!! Exigo una explicacion!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:34 PM  

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