Lucas family blog

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Grandma and Grandpa visit

These pictures are from 5/10/06, a day before Joseph's 1 month birthday. He weighed in at over 10 pounds, so he definitely eats enough (just looking at those chubby cheeks would tell you that too). He's doing well and Laura is feeling much better.

Grandma and Grandpa come to visit...and Joseph is actually awake this time!

You wore red too...nice choice!

Grandpa makes me laugh!

Uncle Andy teaches Joseph about 80's TV shows

Friday, May 05, 2006

Family fun

Ready for outdoor fun...let's go!

Mom's first big outing too...she's happy to see the sun!

Dad checks in

ah the great outdoors

a trio of Yankee fans

Playtime for Joseph!

The vibrating chair buys Mommy 10 minutes of quiet time...thanks Aunt Betty!!
First time in his Baby Einstein gym...checking things out

The next day...let's try out some of these toys

Did you guys see that bird over there too?

There he is again!

Joseph gets some visitors at home

Aunt Patty stopped by to help Mommy...and Joseph seems pleased

Singing Christmas carols in May???

Uncle Dan in from the magical land of Oregon...

Uncle Bryan drops by for some pictures!

Uncle Damien in from Florida

Uncle Damien and Christine