Lucas family blog

Monday, February 19, 2007

Joseph's first Christmas tree

Joseph helped decorate our tree this year. He was fascinated by the pine needles and once he figured out he can get off his playmat, he went about attacking the bottom branches of the tree.
Dad, why is there a tree in our living room?

Joseph and Mama step back and admire their handywork.
I'm not done yet. Let's put the angel over here.
Joseph does nice work. He's already taking appointments for Christmas 2007...better call soon!

Christmas time is here!

Christmas was so much fun this year! We got to see Joseph tear into all his presents and we all had a lot of fun visiting Grammy and Pop on Christmas Eve and seeing Grandmama and Grandpa on Christmas Day.
Mama is keeping me warm.

Holy cow! All these presents are for me? Can you tell I'm excited!
Getting a lot of great presents is fun...
...but I think I like the wrapping paper even more!
I love the fire truck Mama gave me.
I love to drive but I don't honk the horn as much as Daddy does.
Joseph asks "what kind of presents did you get this year?"

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Joseph celebrated his first Thanksgiving this year. He wasn't ready for turkey yet, but he did have sweet potatoes. Next year he gets to have Mama's turkey which turned out to be a big hit.
Laura and I are really thankful that we have this little guy in our lives and that he's got family and friends that love him so much.
I love Grammy and Pop, but there's football on TV!
Joseph and Mama take a break after cooking a great Thanksgiving meal. Mama did more of the leg work, but Joseph shouted instructions from his playroom.

Joseph got to visit Nan after Thanksgiving. Here they are sharing some stuffed animals.

Joseph and Dad

Check out the pumpkin Aunt Kathy gave me.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Halloween 2006

Joseph spent his first Halloween with a few friends. Everyone got together and dressed up in costume. While there was no bobbing for apples, because most of the kids don't have any teeth, everyone still had a great time.
It's Garrett dressed as a Red Hot Chili Pepper.

Joseph's buddy Cooper dressed up like a chicken.

The funny thing is little Timothy even sounds like Chewbacca.

Showing off his super strength, baby Superman takes out the flower and the chick.

I laugh in the face of danger!

Up, up and away!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

6 months!!

At six months, Joseph is sitting up very well on his own. He loves to reach out for toys (or Mama's hair) and is quite a bundle of energy! When he's on the floor he rolls around to get to a toy and likes to pick everything up, especially the remote control.
Joseph loves when Aunt Patty comes over to bring him toys. This one says "the cat is here!" with a British accent. Thanks Aunt Patty!

Okay Uncle Tim and Joseph, on three make a funny face. One...two...

...three! That's a good one!

Yes, I'm as sweet as I look.

I can share my toys. Do you want to play with Jumpin' Jack?

Now that I sit up it's easier to play with stuff. A little dinner music?

Would you like to hear my first composition?

Playoffs are here!

Well it's October and that can only mean one thing...the Yankees are in the playoffs! Joseph was decked out in full Yankee gear to cheer them on to victory.
I'm ready to watch my first playoff game...go Yankees!!

Stepping out for some air at our new home.

Dad, they're losing...maybe I'm not cheering loud enough.

They lost the last game to Kenny Rogers. Wait, doesn't he sell fried chicken? Mmm...chicken! Oh well, better luck next year.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Around the house

With a heat wave in our area, we spent some time indoors this summer. Joseph keeps getting bigger, and he weighed in at over 14 pounds at his 4 month check-up in August. His latest accomplishments are being able to roll over from his belly to his back and from his back to his belly. He also just found his feet and they keep him occupied quite a bit. He gets them close to his mouth but hasn't had them in there for any long period of time yet.
Joseph likes to play peek-a-boo with Mom and he squeals and shouts when he's happy. He also started chuckling at things he thinks are funny, like when Mom or Dad sneaks up on him or when he sees the Zebras on his latest Baby Einstein DVD.
Can't a baby get a little privacy around here?

Little Buddha

Thanks for the shirt Uncle Andy! Maybe one day I'll go to TCNJ like he did. Pop went there too, back when it was called Trenton State.

I'm bringing the "punk" look back.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Summer fun in July!

Below are a bunch of pictures from July, Joseph's third month!
Come on guys, let's play ball!

I love this game!

Who wants to play again?

Chillin' with Pop at a family BBQ.

Joseph's first time at the beach (after sunset, of course!).

Group shot at the beach!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Father's Day 2006

We celebrated Dad's first Father's Day this year. He got a cool t-shirt that said "Greatest Dad 2006" from Joseph. Joseph told him it was an easy choice to vote him greatest dad this year, but he's going to have to work hard to keep the title in 2007!
Joseph just keeps getting cuter by the day and he's so much fun. He smiles even more now and he's starting to sleep most of the night through. He's also over 13 pounds (feels like 113 sometimes). He's very active at home, but when we go out and meet new people he likes to stare at them and look them in the eye. He's a curious boy and loves to see new places and things.
Our favorite new thing he does is chanting himself to sleep. When he gets tired he'll say "ooh aah ooh" over and over for as long as 3 minutes straight until he falls asleep. It's the funniest thing to see and hear.
He's starting to grab onto things with his hands. If you hold something in front of him he grabs it with both hands and tries to shove it in his mouth. He also grabs onto smaller objects like plastic key rings and rattles with one hand.
Want to be squeaky clean for Daddy's first Father's Day.

Who doesn't enjoy a nice bath?

Joseph is fascinated with Pop's mustache and he loves being in Grammy's arms!

Pop, Dad and Joseph

New toys and clothes

Joseph turned two months old on June 11th. Can't believe how fast things go by and how big he's gotten. He holds his head upright on his own and smiles a lot in response to our voices and to some of his toys. He's a bundle of energy too...loves to be entertained!
Love the swing, but not sure I like the bears hanging over me like that. They look hungry.

You caught me at a bad time...I'll put a shirt on.

Oh, it's you again! Like my Little Slugger outfit?

tell me you brought food

this camera looks delicious

Love that Yankee mobile

Joseph shows off another new outfit...wardrobe change!!